A Resolution isn’t just for January…
A Resolution isn’t just for January…
Let me get this one off my chest: as laudable as the art of New Year’s resolution forming is, it’s statistically doomed to failure.
January is the worst time to try and effect change in our habits: we are exhausted from over doing it in December, and it is cold and dark and pretty depressing all round! Also, don’t get me started on New Year’s ‘detoxes’. Please!
Personally I know there will be fall out from Christmas and I go easy on myself in early January and let the bad habits carry on and slowly frizzle out.
The second problem about resolutions is that they largely take the form of vague promises to oneself. How is it possible to cash a cheque without a number on it? Much better then, to set clear, measurable goals and to constantly measure and review them throughout the year: no need to set resolutions if you are always on your journey…
I picked up some fantastic Lithuanian scalded rye bread from the lovely people at the Karaway stall in Borough Market yesterday afternoon.
I am not convinced about many of the food fads which are currently fashionable, including the vilification of gluten. I am however, a firm believer in the harm that highly processed foods do to us, including cheap white bread.
The Chorleywood Bread Process was invented in 1961 to allow manufacturers to quickly bake loaves (3 1/2 hours from flour to loaf) which are softer and last longer. However, to achieve this we eschew the natural fermenting processes of sourdough leavening which aids digestibility, and instead a whole host of harmful additives are used.
The bread I purchased uses a sourdough starter, has a lot of Rye in it which is great for your health and the caraway makes it taste fantastic! I really got into rye bread when I visited Copenhagen: an amazing place where you can find the wonderful Smørrebrød everywhere: Danish open sandwiches. I had this for breakfast but this would of course be perfect for lunch.
Lithuanian Rye Smørrebrød with 2 toppings
This recipe is pretty simple. Smørrebrød can take many forms, I am just presenting two toppings I used this morning.
Good rye bread
1 egg
A ripe avocado
Cut the loaf into 2 fairly thin slices (remember that rye bread is quite dense and filling). Boil the egg to your liking, peel. Toast the rye bread, butter one slice liberally and add marmite to the other slice (to taste).
Add the egg topping to the buttered slice and with a knife spread the ripe avocado atop the
marmited slice. Season with salt and pepper.
To be honest a hard boiled egg would probably be better (who said I was perfect, eh 😉 ), certainly less messy and would be great with a cress garnish on top. The avocado and marmite taste really fantastic: the combination really is so, so good and ok, if you are a marmitophobe then do go without and add salty butter instead I guess…